
Portfolio Spotlight

Nascent Industries


Vertical Overview

Nascent industries are industries in the process of development and are not yet fully established. These industries are often characterized by rapid growth and innovation as companies aggressively compete for market share. Many of the companies in these industries are creating new technologies, products, and services that have the potential to transform entire industries or create new ones from scratch, putting them at the forefront of innovation. Emerging technologies in nascent industries that DCA typically focuses on are Space Technology, Cannabis, and Online Gambling.
The Case For Growth


The Case
For Growth

By definition, nascent industries can emerge from any business segment, with each segment presenting unique opportunities and prospects for growth. At DCA, we are focused on the growth potential of three nascent industries in particular:

  1. Space Technology. Growth in this vertical is driven by a number of factors, including the increasing demand for satellite-based communications, the emergence of space tourism and the potential for space-based solar power. In recent years there has been a surge in public and private sector investments, as both companies and governments race to gain an edge by developing new technologies applicable to this sector.

  2. Cannabis. The legalization of cannabis in many parts of the world has created a new industry from scratch, providing opportunities for both entrepreneurs and investors. The market for cannabis and related products is already large and growing, but the industry is also still relatively young and transitioning from the black market into a regulated market. This means that there is significant potential for companies to capture a share of the market and drive strong returns for investors.

  3. Online Gambling. Much like cannabis, the online gambling vertical is being driven by its mass legalization in many US states and countries around the world. Through digitization, growth in the online gambling industry will likely be further driven by the increased availability of internet access, mass adoption of mobile devices, and the advent of emerging VR and blockchain technologies. The development of new technologies and the expansion into new markets positions the online gambling industry for significant future growth potential.

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Nascent Industries By The Numbers

$634B Projected Space Technology
Market Size by 2026*


22 States with legalized recreational marijuana**


$11.7%Projected Online Gaming 8yr CAGR***


DCA Portfolio Companies

NextLeaf Solutions
Cannabis Extraction
Infinite Composite Technologies
Advanced Space Vessels
Space Forge
In-Space Manufacturing
Spacecraft & Satellite Manufacturing


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